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Oracle NetSuite Tax Compliance for Argentina

The LatamReady App extends the power of Oracle NetSuite Cloud ERP to enable international corporations to achieve full tax compliance in Latin America.

An innovative Built-for-NetSuite solution, the LatamReady App natively supports Tax & Accounting Compliance, Tax Reporting, Electronic Invoicing, and many more amazing features for 18+ Latin American countries, including Argentina!​

About LatamReady

Tax Determination &
​Tax Information Reporting Features for Argentina

The LatamReady App is always up to date with all monthly and annual tax reporting forms, making it easy for companies to comply with local tax reporting requirements in Argentina.

Plus! A set of Reports/Audit Reports/Searches/Alerts developed by LatamReady

The LatamReady App includes a set of non-legal reports that our local users can utilize to review and validate legal reporting information as a previous task before sending/uploading the information to the local tax authority.

LatamReady App users can now utilize the massive billing feature with automatic configuration for NON-electronic documents.

The LatamReady App fully supports NetSuite's multi-booking feature and includes the following ledgers for legal reporting in Argentina:

National Reports:

      1. i.Libro Diario (PDF)
      2. ii.SICORE Retenciones y Percepciones Sufridas
      3. iii.SICORE Retenciones y Percepciones Efectuadas
      4. iv.IVA Percepciones Sufridas
      5. v.IVA Retenciones Efectuadas
      6. vi.IVA Retenciones Sufridas
      7. vii.IVA Percepciones Efectuadas
      8. viii.SIJP Retenciones y Percepciones Efectuadas SUSS
      9. ix.SIJP Retenciones y Percepciones Sufridas SUSS
      10. x.IVA Digital

Municipal Reports

      1. i.ARBA Retenciones Sufridas IIBB BBSS
      2. ii.ARBA Retenciones Efectuadas IIBB BBSS
      3. iii.ARBA Percepciones Efectuadas IIBB BBSS
      4. iv.ARBA Percepciones Sufridas IIBB BBSS
      5. v.SIFERE Retenciones Efectuadas Convenio Multilateral
      6. vi.SIFERE Percepciones Efectuadas Convenio Multilateral
      7. vii.SIFERE Retenciones Sufridas Convenio Multilateral
      8. viii.SIFERE Percepciones Sufridas Convenio Multilateral
      9. ix.ARCIBA Retenciones y Percepciones Sufridas IIBB CABA
      10. x.ARCIBA Retenciones y Percepciones Efectuadas IIBB CABA
      11. xi.SIRCAR Retenciones Efectuadas IIBB
      12. xii.SIRCAR Percepciones Efectuadas IIBB
      13. xiii.SIRCAR Retenciones Sufridas IIBB
      14. xiv.SIRCAR Percepciones Sufridas IIBB
      15. xv.SIRETPER Retenciones Sufridas IIBB Tucumán
      16. xvi.SIRETPER Percepciones Efectuadas IIBB Tucumán
      17. xvii.SIRETPER Percepciones Sufridas IIBB Tucumán
      18. xviii.SIRETPER Retenciones Efectuadas IIBB Tucumán

Tax Rules & Tax Calculation Features for Argentina

Withholding Tax Rate Automatically Updated Inside of NetSuite

LatamReady offers a direct connection to the local Tax Agency to automatically adapt to Perception and Withholding Tax Rates on a monthly basis (ARBA) with web service connection.

Withholding Tax Certificates Formats

LatamTax fits the requirements for Withholding Tax Certificates that are required by Suppliers in every payment.

Inflation Adjustment

Tax Calculation

LatamTax and LatamReady’s Tax Engine are two tax softwares developed inside of NetSuite. They are designed exclusively for Latin America and are suitable for the complexity of local Withholding Taxes in Sales and Purchases.

Customer perceptions are calculated. We also calculate the recognition of minimum and maximum payment amounts, and the recognition of the accumulated amount.

Local Tax ID Validation

No more local Tax IDs incorrectly registered! LatamReady includes the local validation algorithm required to verify that!

LatamTax supports particular local scenarios such as:

  1. 1.Latam - Rate
  2. 2.Latam - Amount To (Gross, Tax o Net)
  3. 3.Latam - Minimum Amount
  4. 4.Latam - Monthly Accumulated
  5. 5.Latam - Maximum Amount
  6. 6.Latam - Do Base Amount (No restar Minimo, Restar Minimo, Minimo y Maximo)
  7. 7.Latam - Not Taxable Minimum
  8. 8.Latam - Set Base Retention
  9. 9.Latam - Add Accumulated Amount
  10. 10.LatamTax pre-configured set of taxes includes:
    1. a.Honorarios Withholding Tax
    2. b.Ganancias (Income Tax)
    3. c.IIBB per Jurisdicción (Region)
    4. d.SUSS, IVA
    5. e.Perceptions

Electronic Invoicing
Features for Argentina

Send E-Invoices Directly from Inside of NetSuite

LatamReady offers a complete solution within NetSuite for electronic documents in Argentina.

The LatamReady App supports:

  • One by one:  A 2-step process that follows the NetSuite standard for issuing electronic invoices. The first step is to create and the second step is to generate and send each invoice one by one manually.
  • Massive: Several In Bulks, tens of thousands of documents. (Add-On)
  • In Bulk: for 200 documents. (Add-On)
  • Ecommerce Edition: for Ecommerce companies. (Add-On)

Easily manage E-invoices, Credit & Debit memos, Waybills, and more! With the LatamReady App, international corporations can issue E-invoices from inside of NetSuite and generate pixel-perfect electronic documents with a simple click of a button. LatamReady Localization allows you to issue electronic documents both locally and abroad.

LatamReady App users can now utilize the massive billing feature with automatic configuration for NON-electronic documents.

Does your subsidiary issue hundreds or thousands of E-Documents? Ask for our advanced solutions for bulk processing E-Documents!

The Local E-Documents Supported Include:

  1. 1.Invoices
    1. a.Type A and B

b. Type E (Foreign Customers)

c. Factura Electrónica Mi Pyme (Types A and B)

  1. 2.Credit memos (Types A, B, Mi Pyme)

  1. 3.Debit memos (Types A, B, Mi Pyme)

Electronic Payments
Features for Argentina

LatamReady Supports Massive Bill Payments

Via NetSuite's Electronic Payments App, LatamReady enables companies to make massive electronic payments that follow the specific local formats required in Argentina.

LatamReady supports massive bill payments for the following local banks:

  1. 1.BBVA Frances
  2. 2.Santander
  3. 3.Galicia
  4. 4.HSBC

LatamReady Add-Ons

Exchange Rate Module: We bring the country's buy-sell exchange rate. The basic version makes the connection with the Banco de la Nación of Argentina and updates the exchange rate directly in the transactions, while the advanced version also updates the standard NetSuite table. The affected transactions are:

        1. 1.Sales Order
        2. 2.Credit Memo
        3. 3.Customer Payment
        4. 4.Invoice
        5. 5.Journal Entry
        6. 6.Purchase Order
        7. 7.Vendor Bill
        8. 8.Vendor Credit
        9. 9.Vendor Payment

Massive electronic invoicing module: Sending electronic documents by batch or in batches. (This also includes the automatic set and mailing to customers)

Automatic set: automatic Filling of the transaction fields to be processed in electronic invoicing based on the configuration in the customer file.

Sending emails to clients: the automatic sending of Emails to the clients once the electronic document is already authorized by the government.

NetSuite Editions:
OneWorld & Midmarket Edition / SuiteTax & Legacy

The LatamReady App is compatible with the NetSuite SuiteTax version and supports Legacy. 

The LatamReady App fully supports all NetSuite's editions in Argentina! Unlock opportunities for your growing company by extending the power of NetSuite with our innovative tax compliance solution.

Customer Care Support
For Argentina

Always Up to Date!

Our service includes unlimited legal updates for 18+ Latin American countries.

Tax rules in Argentina are continuously changing and evolving.

LatamReady, combining local tax advisory in each country and the biggest NetSuite software factory in the region, will ensure that your subsidiary always remains compliant.

Included in your annual subscription is unlimited customer care support in 3 languages: English, Portuguese, and Spanish.

Additionally, LatamReady releases 2 official versions per year, always Built-For-NetSuite certified by Oracle.

E-Learning Platform

NetSuite Training on Demand

LatamDojo, our E-Learning Platform, includes thousands of training videos explaining how to be and remain compliant in Latin America with Oracle NetSuite and LatamReady!

Schedule a Call with
a NetSuite Expert!

All forward-looking statements (future LatamReady App releases) are intended to outline our general product direction. They are intended for information purposes only and are not incorporated as part of our contracts. It is not a commitment to deliver any feature or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described for LatamReady’s products remains at the sole discretion of LatamReady.

Argentina Is Ready!
Are You?